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i2s(int) - Static method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.IO
Transforms a given primitive integer into a string.
info(String) - Static method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.IO
Offers a simple way to print out an info message.
infoln(String) - Static method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.IO
Uses IO.info(String) with an additional "\n" at the end.
IO - Class in net.n1da.dev.euler.helper
Helper class for all standard i/o methods.
IO() - Constructor for class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.IO
No instances wanted!
isAbundantNumber(int) - Static method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.Mathe
Checks if the given number is a abundant number.
isAmicable(long) - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.PE0021
Checks the given number to be a amicable number.
isDeficientNumber(int) - Static method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.Mathe
Checks if the given number is a deficient number.
isFlush() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Hand
Tests if this hand is a Flush.
isFourOfAKind() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Hand
Tests if this hand is a Four of a Kind.
isFullHouse() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Hand
Tests if this hand is a Full House.
isHighCard() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Hand
Tests if this hand is just a High Card.
isOnePair() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Hand
Tests if this hand is a One Pair.
isPalindrome(int) - Static method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.Mathe
Checks the given integer to be a palindrome.
isPalindrome(String) - Static method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.Mathe
Checks the given string to be a palindrome.
isPalindromic() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.LargeNumber
Checks if a large number is palindromic.
isPandigital(String) - Static method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.Mathe
Checks if the numbers from 1 to 9 exist exactly once as digits in the given number.
isPandigital(String, int) - Static method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.Mathe
Checks if the numbers from 1 to n exist exactly once as digits in the given number.
isPentagonNumber(int) - Static method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.Mathe
Checks if the given number is a pentagon number.
isPentagonNumber(long) - Static method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.Mathe
Checks if the given number is a pentagon number.
isPerfectNumber(int) - Static method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.Mathe
Checks if the given number is a perfect number.
isPermutationOf(LargeNumber) - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.LargeNumber
Checks if the given number is a permutation of the current object.
isPrime(int) - Static method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.Mathe
Checks a given number to be a prime.
isPythagoreanTriplet(int, int, int) - Static method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.Mathe
Checks if the given three number are a Pythagorean triplet.
isRoyalFlush() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Hand
Tests if this hand is a Royal Flush.
isSquare() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.Matrix
Checks, if this matrix is square.
isStraight() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Hand
Tests if this hand is a Straight.
isStraightFlush() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Hand
Tests if this hand is a Straight Flush.
isThreeOfAKind() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Hand
Tests if this hand is a Three of a Kind.
isTriangleNumber(int) - Static method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.Mathe
Checks if the given number is a triangle number.
isTwoPairs() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Hand
Tests if this hand is a Two Pairs.
iterator() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.Sieve
Resets the current sieve and returns a reference as Iterator.
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