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TEN - net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Value
test() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.problems.EulerTest
Tests the current problem against the right solution.
test(int) - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.PE0037
Truncates the given number from both sides and tests if the both new numbers are primes (are stored in PE0037.candidates).
testAdd() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.LargeNumberTests
Tests the method add method.
testCompareCards() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if some cards are compared right with each other.
tested - Variable in class net.n1da.dev.euler.PE0035
Storage of all tested primes.
testEqualCards() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if two cards with the same value are really equal.
testFor() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.SieveTests
Tests a "for" reading access of the sieve without manual reseting.
testForEach1() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.SieveTests
Tests a "for-each" reading access of the sieve.
testForEach2() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.SieveTests
Again, tests a "for-each" reading access of the sieve without manual reseting.
testGet() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.LargeNumberTests
Tests the method get method.
testIsFlush() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if a hand is a Flush.
testIsFourOfAKind() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if a hand is a Four of a Kind.
testIsFullHouse() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if a hand is a Full House.
testIsNotFlush() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if a hand is not a Flush.
testIsNotFourOfAKind() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if a hand is not a Four of a Kind.
testIsNotFullHouse() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if a hand is not a Full House.
testIsNotRoyalFlush() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if a hand is not a Royal Flush.
testIsNotStraight() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if a hand is not a Straight.
testIsNotThreeOfAKind() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if a hand is not a Three of a Kind.
testIsNotTwoPairs() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if a hand is not a Two Pairs.
testIsPalindromic() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.LargeNumberTests
Tests the method isPalindromic method.
testIsRoyalFlush() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if a hand is a Royal Flush.
testIsStraight() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if a hand is a Straight.
testIsThreeOfAKind() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if a hand is a Three of a Kind.
testIsTwoPairs() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if a hand is a Two Pairs.
testLimitedNumbers() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.LargeNumberTests
Tests limited large numbers.
testPow() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.LargeNumberTests
Tests the method pow method.
testPrimePairs(String...) - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.PE0060
Tests if all given strings create new primes by concatenating them pairwise in both directions.
testReverse() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.LargeNumberTests
Tests the method reverse method.
testRightCards() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if creation of cards does work with right given values.
testToString() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.LargeNumberTests
Tests the method toString method.
testWhile() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.SieveTests
Tests a "while" reading access of the sieve with manual reseting.
testWrongCards() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.tests.PokerTests
Tests if creation of cards does not work with wrong given values.
text - Variable in enum net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Value
Stores the text representation as a single character.
THREE - net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Value
title - Variable in class net.n1da.dev.euler.core.Problem
The title of this problem.
toString() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.core.Problem
It just returns the Problem.number of this problem as string representation.
toString() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.LargeNumber
Return the current number as string.
toString() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Card
Creates a string representation as combination of Card.value and Card.suit of this card.
toString() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Hand
Creates a string representation of this hand.
toString() - Method in enum net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Value
trim() - Method in class net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.LargeNumber
Deletes all leading zeros from the current number.
TWO - net.n1da.dev.euler.helper.poker.Value
The 13 card values with both, a numeric value and a text representations.
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